Choose a Good Domain Name

Dear fellow online business, ..

For every online business project we will do, of course, we will always need an appropriate domain name and representative to develop a "brand" is our business. If not, this can affect the less effective marketing efforts that we develop.

Then, how to choose a good domain name?

Here the tips.

[1] Choose a name that represents your business

If your business revolves around buying and selling clothes, try to select a domain name that has an element of the clothes in it. Do not buy a domain with a name that had nothing to do, even contradictory. For example, if you sell clothes, you can choose domain name, and do not choose a name

[2] Try to select a domain name ending in .Com

As,,, and so on. And not,,, or others.

Why? Since the domain with the suffix .com domain name is identical with the business. Even identical to the domain name in general.

If there are two domain name and, about which people will remember where when typing in the browser window? Domain .com is the answer.

[3] Choose a domain name that is easy to remember

Also, choose the domain name easy to remember the consumer. Many web users who today still rely on their memory to open a site that once they open (and they like) before.

If you are looking for free software repository, which would you remember better:, or

I believe, the first choice is the answers.

[4] Choose a short domain name

In many instances, shorter your domain name, it's better for your business.

Instead of creating a domain with the name, far better to make name only. Short domain is easier to remember and more elegant than a long domain name.

[5] Avoid domain names that use numbers

And do not choose a domain name that writing ambiguous, or can be written in many versions.

For example, domain. We have friends to play at your house and ask about your own domain name, you might say that my domain is "one two three". Com. But about what will be interpreted by your friends?

Is Or Or

Confusing, is not it? Enabled and also typographical errors. Therefore, avoid.

[6] Avoid clashes with copyright issues

Next, to avoid problems later on, try not to use the domain names of existing copyrights. Like using great brands.

If you are not a person who has access to not wear brand "Suzuki" say, then do not ever make a domain with the name "Shop-Suzuki.Com" or "". You never know when brand holders offended by your domain name, and your complaint to court over issues such copyright infringement.

[7] For personal branding, use your name

If you use your domain name to develop your own name, use your name. For example: Do not use the name of goods, let alone another person's name.

[8] Finally, use the "top" or "best" or the like for the website review

If you buy a domain that is used for affiliate marketing with the type of review, is a good idea to use the word "best" or "top" in your domain name.

Let me give an example for web hosting review domain name, use the name:,

Why? Because most people find the best web hosting on search engines like google with keywords "best web hosting" or "top-hosting" or the like. With a domain name similar to the desired keyword, your site's potential to be on the home page search engines will be even greater.

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Affiliate Business

Confused to choose what business program should be followed for beginners?

If you ask me, I would suggest to start a business that is easy first, like PTC, PPC, PPP, paid review or Links. Everything can be done by beginners though. Not difficult and the results were pretty good.

This time I really wanted to explain the business. But because of various constraints, I will only explain one thing first, which is an affiliate business.

So, what is affiliate that? Ok, it can be said briefly affiliate business, become an affiliate exactly is the business to be "agents" to sell others. From here you will get a commission for every sales that occurred, ranging from 5% to 50% or even more (depending on the generosity of the business owners).

This is one business that is very easy to implement, because you are only asked to direct Internet users to come to a particular site. Then the site will detect that the visitor came as invited by you. Well, if the visitors that buy, you'll get a commission. Simple right?

But though simple, do not you take for granted. Affiliate business is worth tens of billions of dollar per year. Imagine how many bowls of meatballs you can buy with that money:-D

In this business divided, the parties involved can we divide into two parties, namely the owner of the goods (merchant) and the seller of goods (affiliate). Become an affiliate parties could be anyone, if willing to sell. Was the owner of the goods, also used whoever. Starting from individuals, to the company.

Company? Yeah right, companies. Did you know that affiliate business is not just an individual? Did you know that share alarge companies in the world was running an affiliate system?

Some of them I can mention among others, Dell (the giant computer maker
3rd largest in the world), Sony (Japan's electronics giant), the New York Times (newspaper giants in the USA), Verizon Wireless (a huge internet connection service providers) and thousands of other companies also implement a system like this affiliate business.

You can apply this system for your company, if any. But I'm sure the majority of us is more suited to be affiliatenya first. More easily, without a large capital, no need to provide the product, and so on.

But the problem, whether by following / make this our affiliate system biases become rich? Or only the owner of the business systems are to be rich? The answer:: VERY CAN!

If there are people who say you can not, and say only the owner of the goods / services that can only be rich, then he's wrong! Either he did not know, or have failed because of not following the right way, or maybe he was jealous, or maybe wish that there was not much competition among affiliate marketers.


Ewen Chia from Singapore can get $ 1,000,000 in just 5 months of this business. Similarly same Fabian Lim from Singapore, also through $ 1,000,000 in 5 months.

Or there is Rosalind Gardner from Canada through the U.S. $ 500,000 per year and there is also Jeremy Palmer is no less "crazy" with Rosalind. Everything is not by making their own products, but by selling products / services of others! They just ask people to take part, and it was done.


This is an easy __real business__ done. And obviously can make money for you. So do not miss the train, try to follow the affiliate businesses now.

Why should I wait?

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Why Fail In Business online?

Today there is a question that rang in my mind. What question? Simple, that is why a lot of people fail in business online?

Why are some successful, some not successful? Well the answer must be to think of it first .... To think of it, to think of it ... Ah there it is, turns out the answer is because of lack of thinking and too much thinking. Schools of what I mean?
Okay so more clearly, I mean less thought is:

Just enter their home to the world of online business, without knowing in advance their knowledge. But if we have an opportunity to look good, instantly taken. In fact, all businesses there are risks, unfortunately they did not care and do business directly. The result is clear failure struck.

I also used to be so, online investment business without a second thought. As a result hundreds of U.S. $ lost. Just like my friend, instead he lost U.S. $ 7000!

While I mean too much thinking is:

Too much of their business plan, no work at all.

Well, logical right? If only planned, when can profit?

I also used to like that. Every day they work surf the internet, looking for what seems to be good business to run. There here, here over there. Every day browsing the internet.

But the business what I do in doing business online? Nothing. At that time I just wished it. Just learn without ever practicing it. The result is clear there will never be in it, where there is money without working? Hehe ...

Yes, it was the reason. Very simple. Some of them have never learned before starting a business, or at least not find a teacher who taught him to do business. As a result, in the middle of the road one step and does not achieve the desired results, even a loss.

Some of them just learning, learning and learning. Without ever practice what is learned. Most of them just thinking and planning without ever going to get started. Afraid, afraid to start, that the whole point. Just see, read, and hear the success stories of other online business, without going to start trying.

So what's the solution?

The solution::

Learn. Learn. Learn.

Work. Work. Work.

Learn the science, practice of science.

Only that way, easy right? Simple.

It's just that most people have never done the latter: practice. Most people just do the beginning: to learn.

Therefore, now you need to do to succeed in online business is knowing the proper way of business in the Internet world with the good and right. Understand, run and feel the results.

Very simple, but very few people who carry it out.

So, what are you waiting? Find the science of doing business online right now! Of books, videos, seminars, mailing lists, and so on. From now on, too, do not delay.

Still thinking and fear of risk in business? No!

Your biggest risk is not a mistake that will make you lose a bit of capital. Your biggest risk is losing the opportunity to get something more than you spend capital, because the delay to do business.

Do not think about the risk of loss, but think would risk losing the opportunity to get bigger just because you're afraid to lose. Most will make you lose is your ignorance and do not increase your business experience.

To successfully do business online, you must have the mindset of a businessman who dare to take risks and dare to accept a huge advantage. To succeed in business, you can not use an employee mindset.

Finally, any less (ie: less thought) must always bad, and any excess (ie: too much thinking, so the action never) also must always bad.

You are already fitting in the middle: do not think so at random in choosing a business, and not too much thinking that it never start your online business.

So the solution: compare several businesses that you think prospective (eg: Google Adsense and affiliate), choose the more interest you, then run immediately without delay.

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Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani


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