Are you an Internet Entrepreneur? (Part-1)

In the movie, A Few Good Men, Jack Nickolson's character screamed the infamous line... "You want the truth?... You can't handle the truth!" and I feel the same way while writing on this topic, because most people can't handle the truth.

The Truth being, "Anyone who can send an e-mail, has the ability to be an Internet Entrepreneur!" However, many people start out not believing that statement... because, they can't handle the truth!.

They may have had predetermined ideas of what an INTERNET ENTREPRENEUR is, does or has to do and they discount themselves without even looking into it, while others, automatically decide they are too old, too busy (or too something) to even think about learning something new. The worst part is, when people think "it's too good to be true"...just because it's not the norm.

The old dog new trick theory is set aside when people find out how easy it is to become an Internet Entrepreneur. There are many resources to assist you in building an online business and examples of how much money can be made right from the computer you are reading this on.

So... Joe, what does it take to be an Internet Entrepreneur you ask...? Fair question!

Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani


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